My first blog

At last !    Finally !!

i am able to get my act together !

Have been wanting to start blogging since 2 years . Ever since my friend’s daughter started her blog . I thought it was indeed a very creative thing to do . It has always been my dream to write . To pen down thoughts , dreams , experiences and expectations , life’s pleasures and pitfalls , aspirations and annoyances .

I was a kid who could write well. A daughter whose letters were cherished by her parents as they described so graphically her days spent away from them ! A science student whose English essay got read aloud in class ! It was my Dad’s wish that I continue writing my life experiences . I have travelled the world extensively. It was his dream that I pen down all my travel experiences in India and abroad . What better way to remember those wonderful and thrilling times ! And who knows ! I might have been able to write a book about them too. Imagine your book in the stands at Crosswords……….ooooooh what a dream !

Alas , we never listen to our parents do we ? “Dad! I am going to remember this forever !” That’s what I said. And the memories kept piling up on top of one another, till the bottom ones were totally , completely squashed. And so, what have I now ? Just a few lines and episodes of those awesome wonderful experiences. So I advise all the youngsters I know to please keep a diary . Who knows ! Your daily life could be a book tomorrow , a movie another day or a travel brochure for life !

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2 Responses to My first blog

  1. gaurikekre says:

    Awesome first post! Waiting to read more 🙂


  2. Srikant Kekare says:

    OK, I will start writing. Gauri couldn’t inspire me to write, but she inspired you, you inspired me, so in a way inspiration is infectious. Lets spread this infection.


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